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Big Blue Book Of Bicycle Repair Download

So I bought a volume of Barnett's Manual and I've been reading a few chapters online. Overall I have to say that I don't like it. It's confusing and uninformative. Too many definitions, too many words lacking actual detail, and not enough pictures.

Learn How To Repair & Maintain A Bicycle With The #1 Bike Maintenance Course: Barnett’s Bicycle Repair Manual Free Download. Bike Repair, Repair your bike by yourself! Oct 11, 2005 I‘ll bet some of you have the Barnett’s manual - Bicycle Repair and Service Manual (older edition) somewhere on their computer. I used to consult.

Many sections read something like this: 'Definitions: front widget- widget towards the front of the bike rear widget- widget towards the rear of the bike Widget adjustment: Use adjusting screw of front widget to adjust towards front of bike. Use adjusting screw of rear widget to adjust towards rear of bike. Troubleshooting: Problem- Widget not straight. Solution- Straighten widget.' Most of what is said is obvious, while the important questions go unanswered. Things like 'How do I distinguish between different types?' , 'How do I know what it should look like or how it should feel?'

, 'What are the best techniques to accomplish such and such?' Are generally not addressed. It reads like a high school textbook whose words are meant to be memorized and repeated, when it should read like a manual with practical tips. On the other hand, I really like Sutherland's Handbook, but it's more of a reference for compatibility and types, not methods. I also like sheldonbrown.com, but the topics covered are limited.


Big Blue Book Of Bicycle Repair Kindle

Can anyone recommend a well written source of methods like sheldonbrown, that's as comprehensive as Sutherland's? Makes me wonder if you're talking about the same Barnett's Manual I have. It answers virtually all of my questions thoroughly and concisely and is well illustrated. Using the troubleshooting tables I'm usually able to pinpoint problem causes and solutions quickly. Looking at the 13 Amazon.com reviews, 9 customers rate it 5 stars and 4 customers rate it 4 stars. Read Sutherland's section on brakes and then look at Barnett's. The difference is like night and day.

Sutherland's proceeds in logical fashion, first over viewing the various kinds of brakes, then discussing compatibility, and finally going over adjustment (type by type) including exact measurements, torques, and complete contextual diagrams. Barnett's on the other hand is a mess. First he jumps into a sea of circular definitions where he hides information on the various kinds of brakes available. Then he suddenly starts discussing various procedures in random order with hardly any indication of which procedures apply to which kinds of brakes. Finally he concludes with a trouble shooting section containing nothing but the obvious.

Big Blue Book Of Bicycle Repair

Neither discusses effective methods such as how effectively secure brake pads during tightening. Aligning the pads within 0.5 mm of perfection doesn't do me one bit of good if tightening them makes them move 20mm. Of course, I have my own methods for doing this, but that's not the point. I'm perfectly capable of playing Macgyver. I bought the book so I wouldn't have to.