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Easy data access You can represent your CBFS Storage container as a virtual disk device, similar to the mounted network disks. This virtual disk can be accessed by any application much like a regular disk.

Access control Limit access to your data to only trusted applications, thus preventing unauthorized access to the data when the container is opened. This feature is available in the Windows version of CBFS Storage OS Edition. Cross-platform support CBFS Storage offers a file system engine that can be embedded into applications on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS) as well as various custom hardware and software platforms.

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Easy data management Store your application data in a single container and simplify data backup and manipulation by exposing only one container file to the end-user. You can even keep the container in a custom place (in application resources or in the database) thus hiding it from the end-user completely. Strong data protection Improve security of your documents and data and prevent unauthorized access to them by applying industry-adopted data encryption mechanisms. Transparent strong encryption based on the 256-bit AES algorithm can be applied to a wide range of entities: from a single file stream to an entire file storage container.

If you need to meet stronger requirements, you can add your own encryption schemas with public key cryptography. Transparent compression of data Get more storage for your files and perform data transfer or backup faster without investing into more hardware by using built-in data compression. Compression works transparently and can be combined with data encryption. Industry-standard ZLib compression can be applies to all or select files, and can be replaced by your own compression algorithms.

Backed by the Cloud CBFS Storage can store data virtually anywhere, even in cloud storage. Huge Storage Capacity CBFS Storage allows the creation of huge storage containers to meet your current and future data storage needs. Maximum storage size is 256 Terabytes. This gives you virtually unlimited possibilities for storing large amounts of data on physical media, including distributed locations.

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Drivers CBFS Storage includes a virtual disk driver and a file system driver. The Virtual disk driver creates a virtual storage device, which emulates a physical storage. The file system Driver maps the CBFS Storage file system to the virtual storage device. The drivers work on the system level (kernel-mode on Windows) and turn CBFS Storage storage into a 'real' disk device with its own file system.

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The 'real disk device' is accessible in read-only and/or read-write mode by any application which uses the system file management API. The drivers offer complete access control.

For example, you can make the mounted disk visible or hidden. You can also grant access to your storage to only selected applications, thus providing additional level of data security. CBFS Storage drivers can use either a file on the existing file system or a partition on the disk as a backend media for storing information. In other words, you can format a media (partition on the disk, a flash card) as a CBFS Storage disk or you can just create a file which will hold the data. The drivers also support callback mechanisms, which allow you to keep your data storage wherever you want (i.e. On remote computer, in memory or database record, etc.). A unique feature of CBFS Storage is its resizable nature.

When CBFS Storage is mapped to a file (or other resizable media), CBFS Storage uses only the amount of space that is needed to keep the data. So, instead of allocating a several-gigabyte-large storage, you allocate a small file. The storage file will be resized when necessary. If you remove the files from the storage, the storage will be shrinked automatically. User-mode API User-mode API is very similar to the one included in CBFS Application Edition and introduces additional functions specific to driver management and storage mounting operations. The API is needed only for driver and storage manipulation. All file operations can be performed using the system file management API or framework-specific classes.

For example, you mount the storage using API functions, then write file using FileStream class in.NET or TFileStream in Delphi or CreateFile API when working with WinAPI. For compatibility with the Application Edition, the OS Edition API also provides SolFSStream class, which can be used to access the data on the device. Virtual Device Features. Create virtual disks and make them available as drive letters.

Create of virtual disks and make them available via UNC path and not visible to the user in Explorer. Restrict access to the storage and provide such access to applications based on their names or Process IDs. Great alternative to archive file formats Archive file formats, such as ZIP, are often used as a universal solution for compound files and virtual file systems. However, archives have certain shortcomings and drawbacks which prevent them from being used effectively. CBFS Storage is free from such shortcomings. CBFS Storage offers a file system engine, that can be embedded into applications on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS) as well as various custom hardware and software platforms. CBFS Storage supports extensible encryption and compression, custom file tags, file and storage metadata, support for Unicode file names, and more.

More information: Multiplatform Use CBFS Storage in your applications, which you create for various software and hardware platforms, from Windows and macOS desktops to Unix and Linux servers to mobile devices. Easy data management Store your application data in a single container and simplify data backup and manipulation by exposing only one container file to the end-user.

You can even keep the container in a custom place (in application resources or in a database) thus hiding it from the end-user completely. More information: Strong data protection Improve the security of your documents and data and prevent unauthorized access to them by applying industry-adopted data encryption mechanisms. Transparent strong encryption based on the 256-bit AES algorithm can be applied to a wide range of entities: from a single file stream to a whole file storage. If you need to meet stronger security requirements, you can always add your own encryption schemas, including public key cryptography. Transparent compression of data Get more storage for your files and perform data transfer or backup faster without investing into more hardware by using built-in data compression. Compression works transparently and can be combined with data encryption. Industry-standard ZLib compression can be applied only to selected filed or every file, and can be replaced by your own compression algorithms.

Backed by the Cloud CBFS Storage can store data virtually anywhere, even in cloud storage. Huge Storage Capacity CBFS Storage allows the creation of huge storage containers to meet your current and future data storage needs. Maximum storage size is 256 Terabytes. This gives you virtually unlimited possibilities for storing large amounts of data on physical media, including distributed locations. If you need to use or create a powerful file system for a custom device, wheter it is an MP3 player, camera, or just a flash memory controller, we have a solution that fits all your requirements.

A file system that provides encryption, compression, journaling, symbolic links, streams, and more. A file system, that is not based on FAT, and is free of all its limitations and patents. And all this functionality fits into 300K of code. CBFS Storage Embedded Edition is implemented on a number of platforms including Windows,.NET, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, and Unix. Since it is written in ANSI C, CBFS Storage offers a very flexible code base for use with both big-endian and little-endian systems for which ANSI C compiler exists. Possible uses CBFS Storage can be used in any device that needs to store data in persistent storage (disk drive, flash memory etc). Specifically, CBFS Storage can be used in the following devices:.

DRM-enabled devices to provide device-dependent encryption of the data. Multimedia devices to organize information in a database-like structure. Data collection devices and industrial appliances to store more data on the device. Flash memory to provide a file system with advanced features and save on development of custom storage formats.

Key Features. Built-in compression functionality, which lets you increase the capacity of the storage without adding a compression layer to your data management code.

Built-in symmetric encryption, based on modern industry standards, such as AES256 and SHA2, allows you to protect the data from theft or implement DRM features easily. Journaling and embedded check-and-repair functions let you guarantee data integrity and fail-safety. You can manage multiple independent volumes with CBFS Storage. This lets you handle many storage media devices (for example, built-in storage and an external flash card) at the same time. Use CBFS Storage to implement high-performance file and document storage that can be placed on hard drives, flash cards, custom hardware equipment, or other media devices. You can also use CBFS Storage inside files on disks, in database records, in application resources, in raw memory, on Web servers, or inside any other logical objects.

Empowered by modern cryptographic algorithms, CBFS Storage natively keeps your data highly secured, plus you can add your own encryption and authentication mechanisms. You will benefit from high storage capacity, multithreaded write/read operations, custom file attributes and tags, and much more. In short, CBFS Storage is a secure vault for the information your applications create, process, or archive. Better Than a Database Unlike databases, CBFS Storage offers a container with a hierarchical structure, versioning of data, and on-the-fly encryption and compression.

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At the same time, CBFS Storage lets you add tags of various types to each data stream (file) and use SQL-like query language to search data by tags. Fast and Easy File Compression Similar to ZIP files, CBFS Storage compresses the data and stores everything in one container. But unlike ZIP format, CBFS Storage was designed for easy rewriting of files in the container. Write and delete operations are fast and don't require rewriting of the whole container file. Virtual File System That Behaves Like a Physical Disk As a virtual file system, CBFS Storage stores files in the container. Much like a disk, the CBFS Storage container can have a drive letter (on Windows) or be mounted to a folder on existing disk (Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD), thus providing seamless integration into the disk subsystem of the OS.

The users won't know that they are working with something that is not a physical storage. Deal with Multiple Files Current applications tend to minimize the number of files used because file systems with large cluster size make this impractical and hard to manage. CBFS Storage solves this problem by supporting page sizes starting from 512 bytes. Keeping all data in one file lowers fragmentation on physical drive and speeds up file operation. The single file can be easily copied/moved, deleted, etc. Thus simplifying maintenance (including data recovery). Game developers, for example, find CBFS Storage especially useful.

Modern games include myriads of files, which must be accessed with the fastest possible speed. Maintain Data Integrity by Journaling and Protecting Internal Structure CBFS Storage helps maintain data integrity in two ways: journaling and hiding internal structure. CBFS Storage includes optional journaling support. When data is written, information about the operation is saved to special log file.

If the file write operation is interrupted, CBFS Storage will restore integrity of the storage file. Users can be a danger to internal data of an application.

One might accidentally delete the necessary file and this will lead to the necessity to re-install the whole application. To avoid such a situation, CBFS Storage hides the internal structure of the data from user.

Create Compound Documents It is possible your application’s document format consists of several independent parts or requires some embedded data. Examples are music files (which include actual music, song lyrics, and information about songs) or text documents with embedded images. The structure of CBFS Storage allows you to keep all such data in one file so the user can copy the document as one file. You can even keep revisions of the document in the same file. With the usual approach, adding revisions would require changing the document format. With CBFS Storage, you just save another file.

Transparent strong encryption on both per-stream basis and encryption of the whole storage. Encryption is done using AES and SHA (HMAC) algorithms with a 256-bit key and can be applied even to single stream within a file. The key is derived from the password by adding a salt to prevent attacks.

User-defined encryption is also supported. Transparent compression on a per-stream basis. Encryption and compression can be applied to streams at the same time. By default, ZLib is used, but you can plug in your own compression if needed.

Journaling support (optional). This feature guarantees that data integrity is not compromised if write operations are interrupted. Support for multiple alternate data streams for files. Streams can be found in NTFS and macOS file systems. They let you keep additional information of data revisions within the same file.

Support for Symbolic Links. Page (cluster) sizes from 256b to 64Kb are supported. Very long file names and hierarchies of any depth are supported.

File and directory names are stored in Unicode (UTF-16). Support for fixed-sized and resizable storages. Support for both standard and application-defined file attributes. Custom tags can be read and written. Tags are small chunks of information (not larger than the page size), associated with the directory, file, or individual stream.

Tags can be identified by numeric ID or by name. Storage metadata lets you save the information about the storage itself.