Niki McKenna Strategy and Offering Manager, IBM Workplace Support Services Niki McKenna is an Offering Development Executive in IBM Global Technology Services, defining the strategy for the Next Generation Service Desk. In this role, Niki leads the development of the Workplace Support Services portfolio that uses innovative automation, analytics and cognitive computing solutions (IBM Watson technology) to help clients accelerate their workplace transformation and deliver a superior, cost competitive user experience. Piero Chiodo Vice President, IBM Global Center of Competency Workplace and Mobility Services Piero Chiodo is a Vice President at IBM Global Technology Services, leading a business unit that develops, deploys and provides sales support for an End User IT and Workplace Support Services portfolio. Leveraging innovation, automation, analytics and cognitive computing solutions (IBM Watson technology), the portfolio services help clients accelerate workplace transformation through a superior, cost competitive End User Services experience.
Niki McKenna Strategy and Offering Manager, IBM Workplace Support Services Niki McKenna is an Offering Development Executive in IBM Global Technology Services, defining the strategy for the Next Generation Service Desk. In this role, Niki leads the development of the Workplace Support Services portfolio that uses innovative automation, analytics and cognitive computing solutions (IBM Watson technology) to help clients accelerate their workplace transformation and deliver a superior, cost competitive user experience. Piero Chiodo Vice President, IBM Global Center of Competency Workplace and Mobility Services Piero Chiodo is a Vice President at IBM Global Technology Services, leading a business unit that develops, deploys and provides sales support for an End User IT and Workplace Support Services portfolio.

Leveraging innovation, automation, analytics and cognitive computing solutions (IBM Watson technology), the portfolio services help clients accelerate workplace transformation through a superior, cost competitive End User Services experience.
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