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Hi, that 'gamePaused' function you gave here is already there, but sometimes Moving obstacles are stopping and sometime its not ( i just one 1 Moving obstacle ). Can you check it please? Feature request: Lets say player is on power up (Speed Boost ). Moving obstacle is a long bus or a long train. When he's running with Speed Boost.

  1. Infinite Runner Starter Pack

He will get inside the long moving obstacle and coming out of it (because he's in power up mod, will not die hitting it ) but it doesen't look good / feel odd to get inside and come out. If we can destroy the moving obstacle( long bus / train) and run it'll look cool on the game? And make it more addictive? What you think? Please try it with the objects in different distances, let the moving object come bit close to the camera and pasue the button, i made a fresh clean project and imported the pack and played the demo and the objects are still moving sometime it stopped.it's just random //Update: on demo, pause on a 1st round(section 2 moving objects),it'll stop, press play and keep playing run for the 2ed round ( section 2 moving objects). Try to pause it will not stop mostly, or it's random, but if you keep palying and getting in loop, it's random. I found 1 more bug.

Download Unity Asset - Infinite Runner Starter Pack Pro v1.6.1.2[Req][AKD] torrent from software category on Isohunt. Torrent hash.

I was using the latest version 1.5.2 and i am using Unity 4.3.2 So, according to the other games which use NGUI, i did the same procedure. 1) Deleted the NGUI folder from project. 2) Imported NGUI 3.5.9 3) Imported the 'NGUI 3 Assets' inside the version 1.5.2 4) Started the game through main scene. 5) Works fine except one small thing, when i die and i click on restart again. I can never see the in - game GUI items like coins,score,etc. It just vanishes.

And when i die again, i see the game over menu again. I click on restart, same thing happens. I looked at the various things in the script.

Difficult to find the problem exactly, is it compatible with the latest ngui? Or else please specify which version of NGUI i would need to make it work.

Infinite Runner Starter Pack

Infinite Runner Starter Pack ​ The Infinite Runner Starter Pack is a feature complete toolkit for any game within the endless runner genre. It is the original 3D infinite runner toolkit on the Asset Store and appeared in the keynote at Unity's annual conference, Unite 2013. The starter pack is designed to easily incorporate your own look just by swapping out prefabs. Scripts are written in c# and are optimized and well commented. Click to expand.I think the benefits of not having any floating point errors far outweighs the cost of having to move a group of objects. If somebody is really good at the game and if it is the character doing the moving versus all of the objects around him moving then you would start to see objects not being positioned correctly.

Granted, depending on the game most players will probably never get far enough to notice but there still shouldn't be a flaw in the design from the start. If the game is slow I don't think it will be because of the physics. I profiled the included starter pack and attached the results below. The graphs show two ends of the scale - the upper end being an iPhone 5 and the lower end being an iPhone 3GS. The bumps in both graphs are caused by a turn. Looking at the overview, PlayerController.Update is at the top for both devices because it tells the infinite object generator that it has moved and then the infinite object generator actually moves all of the objects.

If you ignore the percentages because they are relative, I don't expect the execution time to change throughout the game unless you change the number of objects that are spawned. So that number will be pretty constant. Edit: See for the most recent optimizations profile. Just to keep everybody updated: I've gotten a couple of emails asking when this starter pack will be available and I thought that it would have been available by now.

I haven't heard anything from Unity yet and I just sent them an email to see if I can find out the status (the asset case number is 543776 if any Unity employees are reading this ). Edit: heard back from Unity, they said to give it a little more time and that assets can take up to 10 business days to be approved. So it could still be a few days. Purchased.and liking it. Changing the character is a breeze, also customizing appearances and probabilities is pretty straight forward. Immediate additions required from the developer would be 1:swipe to change slot.

2:coin generation is absolutely necessary, rows of coins, jewels etc. 3 h.ability to turn only on turn trigger, it gets pretty upsetting when a accidental swipe bangs you into a wall. Am still understanding the kit further, will keep adding to this post. Regards danneskjold. Click to expand.There isn't a built in way to change the speed throughout the game.

What you could potentially do is similar to the turn allowed trigger is setup a new platform that has a change speed trigger attached, then use the appearance probabilities to force this track to show up at specific times. Having said that, that is a difficult way to go just to change the speed. I am planning on having the row of coins feature done by the end of this weekend, and I'll build in a clean way to do this as well right from the player controller.

Click to expand.There is a way to increase the magnitude of obstacle appearances to increase the difficulty and that is done through the appearance probabilities. Take a look at the spikes duck prefab. It has two no occurrence probabilities setup. One from distance 0-500 with probabilities 0.95 to 0.88, and another from 500 to the end of the game with probability 0.85. What this is doing is that as the game goes on, it is decreasing the probability that this particular obstacle won't occur thus increasing the chances that it will appear and make things more difficult. Take a look at this video for more details on appearance probabilities.

I just finished adding the ability to have a prefab which contains a group of objects. This allows you to have a row of coins right after another. It also gives you the possibility of having specific objects appear right after another without relying on probabilities or rules.

If you want a set of coins to always appear immediately after the jump obstacle you can just create a prefab with both the jump and coins in it. You can also now set the speed based on how far your are in the run. This allows you to run faster later in the game than the start. It uses the same system the appearance probabilities use so it is really easy to setup. For anybody who has purchased the starter pack and would like to get these updates now just send me an email/PM with your receipt number. I am going to wait to submit it to the asset store until I have attacks and objectives done.

I submitted the update to the asset store yesterday. This new version includes:. The character can attack obstacles. Missions. Variable speeds. Collidable prefabs can contain other CollidableObjects. Object movement optimization.

Scene prefabs center doesn’t have to be located at the true horizontal center. Improved GUI The original post in this thread has been updated and I am working on finishing the documentation. I've already sent the build to those who have contacted me about getting the previous version.

If you've already purchased the starter pack and want this version now just send me your invoice number. The object movement optimization really helped reduce the amount of time it takes to move all of the objects. I'll eventually write another post showing the improved profile. I need to do a video for how to swap out the prefabs but in the meantime I've written out the steps: Your office/elevator/street idea should be possible.

What I would do is create the prefabs for the office environment, then when the player reaches the elevator there will be a trigger that would stop the player from moving. You'd wait a little bit to simulate the elevator moving and during that time you'd spawn all of the street prefabs.

You won't be able to do all of this without any coding at all but it shouldn't be too bad. I can point you in the right directions if you need it.

There is still an update waiting to be approved by Unity but beyond that I have only gotten a request to add Game Center. You currently cannot dynamically change the height but that sounds like a good feature for the next version. To specify height now you'd have a set of different prefabs whose vertical position varies. It's not the best system but it would work. I don't think adding in height variations will be too hard to do. Having something other than 90 degree turns would take more work than adding in height and I need to think about that more to have a clean implementation. Click to expand.I just watched the video where you talked about that, and it's just what I was asking for!

Unity Asset - Infinite Runner Starter Pack Pro V1.6.1.2

I saw you talked about adding groups of objects. Can this be done with objects in multiple lanes, so you could have a group with an object in the left and right lane? Last question here. Is there a way to make something similar to the trains in subway surfers?

Like having a ramp up to something higher and then running on top of something, or would they be counted as obstacles and hurt you? Click to expand.That's Fantastic! Great to see it works.

Is it required to have turns in the game, or can we let it just go straight the whole time? I usually prefer that type of runner.

Also, with the group objects, is the spawning determined by lanes for that too? For example if there are objects in all 3 lanes in a group, would this group only spawn on a floor with all 3 lanes open for obstacles? I will probably be getting this soon. I've been waiting for one like this to come out for quite a while now. I also got the bug where walls started going in front of my screen. Not a big deal as I assume it will be fixed. Click to expand.The spawning of the grouped objects is determined by the lanes, however it does not take into account the placement of the objects within the group.

So for example if you had a platform that allows objects to spawn in all three spots it may spawn a grouped object in the leftmost slot even though there is a child object offsetted to the left (thus making that child object not over the platform). In addition, it only spawns one object in each position. From my previous example of a platform of length 10, even though an object can spawn in the left, center, or right at position 3.6, only one object is spawned. This prevents overlapping whether an object is grouped or not. What you can do to prevent to first situation where a grouped object spawns in a lane that it shoudlnt spawn in is use appearance rules to prevent the grouped object from spawning at all on that particular platform. Then youd have a duplicate platform prefab created that has the correct lanes setup and only that one grouped object can spawn on top of it. In fact, this would be a good feature to add in a future update to the appearance rules - the ability to select lanes that it can spawn on top of.

If you haven't watched it already, take a look at this video for an introduction for appearance rules and probabilities: The starter pack includes a few editor scripts which allow you to determine when objects should spawn as well as any restrictions. One of those restrictions that you can add is the ability to prevent certain obstacles from spawning on top of certain platforms. If you have a grouped obstacle that takes up three lanes, you can then have a platform that only spawns obstacles in the center lane. Then you can then setup a rule to prevent that grouped obstacle from spawning on top of any other platform besides the one that only spawns obstacles in the center. That way the grouped obstacle will always be aligned correctly. All of this can be added within the inspector and no programming is required so it should be really easy to do.

Good catch, I've fixed it and updated the web player. You can see how many collisions have occurred by looking the Game game object, then within the Data Manager there is a private variable called collisions. If you want this version now feel free to send me a PM/email with your invoice number and I'll send you the download link. It'll probably be another couple of weeks before I submit this version to the asset store (right now it just contains bug fixes, I'd like to get some new features in there).

Unity just approved the latest version a couple of hours ago. It includes:. The character can attack obstacles. Missions. Variable speeds. Collidable prefabs can contain other CollidableObjects.


Object movement optimization. Scene prefabs center doesn’t have to be located at the true horizontal center.

Improved GUI Most of these new features are pretty self explanatory but I want to go into a little bit more detail about the object movement optimization. With the previous version, the Infinite Object Generator would move all of the active objects one at a time. With this latest version, there is a hierarchical system so it doesn't have to do as much work. The result is that less time is spent within PlayerController.Update. Here's the most recent profiler on an iPhone 5 and iPhone 3GS.

In both cases the quality setting was set to fantastic so you could even get more performance out of the lower end devices if you lowered that settings. The bump in both screenshots are when the player hit a turn and it had to show new objects. Are you taking suggestions on future updates? If you are, read on. If not, disregard my next paragraph. There is one big thing missing for me. In this sort of thing, I would like to have transition pieces for different kinds of scenery.

For example, maybe I have 2 different areas. A forest, and a house. I couldn't just plug the pieces for these into this code.

That wouldn't work as they wouldn't transition into each other right. There would need to be a transition piece for forest to house, and house to forest, that is used when changing the piece to the different scenery.

This could go on for having more than just 2 different types of areas. I hope I made sense in this. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to do, but I'm an artist, not a programmer.

The latest version of the starter pack has just been approved. Indesign template playbill free. This update just contains some fixes:. Fix: If the player died right after a turn objects would hang around. Fix: Coin magnet trigger no longer causes collisions with other obstacles – need to add the “CoinMagnet” layer (see the readme).

Fix: Power ups would cause a null pointer if it was maxed out I have started to plan out the features in the next update. So far I am planning on adding the following:. Different sections at defined distances, for example you could have an indoor section until distance 1000 followed by an outdoor section at distance 2000, and that could repeat. Variable height. Game Center If anybody has any others let me know. I am going to hold off for now on non-90 degree turns since that is a more major change.