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MEEM 5150 Advanced Mechanics of Materials Instructor:Dr. Qingli Dai 910 MEEM Bldg. Phone: 487 2620 Email: qingdai@mtu.edu Course website:Class Schedule: T- Th 1:00-2:30 PM Office hour: T 2:30-4 PM, Th 2:30-3 PM, or make an appointment Textbook: There is no required textbook for this course.

  1. Mechanics Of Materials Pdf Download
  • Advanced Mechanics Materials Cook Young Pdf To Jpg. Advanced search Language tools. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics.
  • 11.1 BASIC RELATIONS 391 We use cylindrical coordinates r, 9, z for radial, circumferential, and axial directions. Let the cylinder be loaded as shown in Figure 11.1.

Jan 07, 2010 Advanced Mechanics of Materials-Rapidshare link. Try Barber’s “Intermediate Mechanics of Materials” or Cook and Young’s.

Notes with most of the slides used in the lectures are available at this website. Note that these slides only cover the theoretical aspects of the course: the applications are typically solved in class on the blackboard. ( Recommended textbook) P. Boresi, and R. Schmidt, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Sixth Edition ( Other suggested textbooks) - K.

Hjelmstad, Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics - M. Sadd, Elasticity: Theory, Applications and Numerics - R.

Young, Advanced Mechanics of Materials Grading outline: Homework – 30%, Term Project – 15%, Examinations – 50% (midterm-25%, final -25%), Classwork – 5% Course Objectives:- Introduce the fundamental concepts of mechanics of materials - Review the basic solid mechanics concepts - Discuss one and two dimensional structures - Energy methods and stability - Fracture and Fatigue - Numerical techniques Course Outline: 1. Math preliminaries a.

Index Notation and Cartesian Tensors b. Coordinate Transformation c. Principal Values and Directions d. Algebra and Calculus of Cartesian Tensors 2. Stress and Equilibrium a.

Principal stress and stress transformation b. Octahedral, mean, and deviatoric stress c. Mohr’s circle in two and three dimensions d.

Equilibrium equation 3. Deformation: Displacements and Strains a. Lagrangian strain tensor and physical strain components b. Strain-displacement relations c.

Principal strain and strain transformation d. Strain compatibility equations 4. Constitutive Behavior a. Stain energy and complimentary strain energy b.

Isotropic elasticity and Hooke’s law c. Thermoelasticity d.

Orthotropic materials e. Plastic behavior (yield criteria) 5. Energy Methods a. Castigliano’s first theorem b.


Linear load-deflection relations c. Deflection of statically determinate structures (Dummy unit load method) 6. Beam Theories a.

Beam Bending 1. Symmetrical bending – Bernoulli’s beam theory 2. Nonsymmetrical bending 3.

Shear center b. Beam Torsion 1. Torsion of a beam with circular cross section 2. Saint- Venant’s semi-inverse method 3. Linear elastic solution of non-circular cross section (ellipse and equilateral triangle) 7.

Mechanics Of Materials Pdf Download

Advanced Mechanics Materials Cook Young Pdf Converter

Plate Theories & Applications a. Stress resultant in a flat plate b. Strain-displacement relations for plates (considering rotation) c. Equilibrium equations for small displacement theory d. Stress-strain-temperature relations for isotropic plates e.

Solutions of a rectangular plate with different supports 8. Fracture and Fatigue a. Stress concentration factors for elliptical holes b. Failure criteria, stress intensity factors and stress around the crack tip c. Stationary blunt and sharp cracks d. Fracture toughness and crack extension force e. Fatigue fracture 9.

Numerical Techniques Tentative Schedule: Day Block Topics Notes Readings Assignments Jan. 15 Mathematical Preliminaries Chapter 1 Jan.

22 Stress and Equilibrium Chapter 2 Jan. 31 Deformation: Displacements and Strains Chapter 2 and Feb. 14 Constitutive Behavior Chapters 3 and 4 Feb. 28 Energy Methods Chapter 5 Mar.

18 Review Mar. 20 Middle Exam Mar. 25 Beam Theories-Bending Applications Chapters 7 and 8 Mar. 1 Beam Theories-Torsion Applications Chapter 6 Apr. 8 Plate Theories & Applications Chapter 13 Apr. 15 Fracture and Fatigue Chapters 14,15 and 16 Apr. 22 Numerical Techniques & Project Presentation Apr.

24 Final Review.

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