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  3. Computer Ghost Hunting Software

GetGhostGear.com - Ghost Hunting Gear, Tools and Equipment For Sale! Ghost Hunting Audio Analyzing Software or visit our! Audio Analyzing Software - Be sure to check out our, as we just published a free audio analyzing software for ghost hunting. That's right ghost hunters, totally free.

This Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software is designed to easily track your entire paranormal investigation. A Ghost Hunters must have software. Page 1 of 4 - Ghost Hunting Software - posted in Research Lab - Tools and Techniques: I think there needs to be a list of Software that is available for Ghost Hunting.

Other 'ghost' sites may be charging but we've got the free download. We know what it's like to be a ghost hunter on a budget. Not only that but it is a full functioning software, no trial membership, no stripped down version - just free. Audacity Obviously you get what you pay for in most situations, but we have found this software to be adequate for the ghost hunter on a budget. It is also recommended by GetGhostGear.com to try out this free software, using it to determine what qualities and features you would like to see in the software you end up purchasing. That's just us, we're big on being informed consumers.

That includes ghost hunters! So this software and others like it are used by some ghost hunters to analyze audio recordings of ghost investigation sites. These recordings are then typically searched for EVP or electronic voice phenomena. That is to say disembodied voices appearing in the audio recording that are normally not noticed by the ghost hunter during the investigation. This is a complex area of research and requires a high understanding of many disciplines to complete correctly.

The key word is correctly or by removing and minimizing as many known possible explanations for data corruption. The folks behind GetGhostGear.com and many at P.I.R.O. Have been conducting EVP research since the late 1980s. We still don't have the perfect system for this experimental area in the paranormal field.

We might go as far to say, any one that does claim to have this area figured out, likely doesn't know what it truly all involves. For those of you interested in attempting to acquire EVPs GetGhostGear.com carries many, tape and, free, many as well as several.


I think there needs to be a list of Software that is available for Ghost Hunting/Paranormal Investigations! Here are some things I find very helpful: -The Electronic Ghost Hunters Companion (of my own creation) link is found in my sig or www.ghost-hunters.us. A free tool that has 1 official release and is currently in beta.centered around electronic logging of your investigations. Compiled of the most common fields for data, location, name of investigation, phase of the moon, etc. Also has the ability to track your photos, export logs to word documents, text, and pdf, as a new access database and into sql/mysql, and likewise importing from such sources.

Totally free, a great tool! - The Electronic Ghost Hunters Companion, which is a PC version of a ghost hunters log, featuring saving and retreiving from a database, and also printing. Version 1.x will also feature the basic information that ghost hunters usually will provide, including phases of moon, camera film types, speeds, etc. Version 2.0 will feature some more advanced functions, such as sending logs to friends, and more. You will also be able to send your logs to an online database which you can specify in some settings. But thats 2.0, 1.0 will hopefully generate some good feedback.

Here are the minimum system requirements: PC or 100% compatible system running either: Windows 95, 98, 98Se, NT, ME, 2000, XP The Microsoft.Net Framework (available as a download from Microsoft) About 5 megs total of installation space (more for when the database grows ) A printer, if you want to print A Mouse (optional but effective!) Keyboard (a must!) A computer monitor running at a resolution of at least 800x600 (will work on 640x480, but that would look just odd). -Paint Shop Pro by Corel/Jasc Great tool for manipulating photos to help restore, enhance, and do all sorts of neat things (solarizing pics, negatives, etc). Helps alot when enhacning photos as does: -Photoshop from Adobe. Great photo tool!

-Scansoft Office 14. Its great because you can scan documents and it recognizes text and converts it into an editable format, and can be exported to pdf, doc, and just about every document type out there! All you need is a scanner and something to scan. Great for converting those old reports and investigations over to an editable file. Add your lists here! Edited by Jediman, 21 March 2005 - 07:58 AM. I think my favorite software of all time is Adobe Audition.

Ghost Computer Software

Great audio editer for finding and enhancing EVPs! Any speech-to-text software that is of good value is good for when you are trying to think your theories out and want something to record it with w/o having to listen to it over, just read what you wrote! An EXIF Reader is important to have so you can validate digital camera photos, my computer came with one installed but it bytes, so I use Exif Reader vers 3.00 from It works pretty good. The EVPMaker is an interesting program to play with also, it can be found at SpectraPLUS is also a good Spectral Analysis System. I also have a program called FilterSim that simulates using a Wratten series filter on pictures. Sadly, the Wratten 18A, the UV-Pass Filter, is not really functional though. I can't think of anymore off hand, give me a day or 2 to look over my comp and I know I will find more!

Computer Ghost Hunting Software

-Shaggy Edited by Shaggy64A, 18 March 2005 - 10:29 PM. Caesar, you should DL his program, but you have to have the Microsoft.Net service to use his program and save. I am DLing that right now.

You can still use the Microsoft Access Spreadsheet though, that is pretty interesting. I woulda used Excel instead. Still, Great Program Jediman! High Tech I thought Cool Edit was Audition, just a lesser version? Oh well, I still think Audition 1.5 is the sh.t. Once Eclectic420 told me what to do, I have been stuck to my comp listening to EVPs off the web, and the few I have on my comp. I have even made my voice sound like an EVP that was over filtered Here's the address to the post I started back in DEC in the EVP/Pic board with on how to clean-up EVPs with Audition.

Computer Ghost Hunting Software Programs

It also has some information that would be useable with some of the other audio editors like filters to use and ways to clean it up. Hey no prob HTH, when I got Audition I looked at all the filters and such and went cross-eyed. It didn't take long to figure out what I was doing.

I also was looking around on the EVPmaker's website and found a funny chat program to 'talk to ghosts' in a chatroom style. It isn't real, but it is kinda fun to play with.

He has some other programs that are pretty useful for tagging EVPs from the complete audio file. Is the address to the main software page. Not very many programs out for our use though, really s u x. Jediman's program is very kool though, good job Jedi!

Using hubby's laptop right now, so can't remember everything that is on our main system.definately Cool Edit Pro, keep thinking about getting Audition, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Just wanted to mention another program, Clear Voice Denoiser (can't remember who mentioned it originally, maybe Eclectic?) but so far I really like it for doing a basic cleaning of EVP's. There is a trial version of it that you can download for up to 30 second recordings. Definately should be a sticky.maybe not only as a listing of the software, but how to use some of them. Thanks for all the info for use newbies to ghost hunting! I know the stuff I put web addresses to have their own help files either bundled or on the website. As for editing audio, especially using Adobe Audition or Cool Edit, but it applies to other audio editors also, actually most of them, here is Eclectic420's post that I posted a link to earlier in a Word file I made to use for when I was starting out with Audition.

I know I used to open that file before I even opened Audition. It's just Eclectics post of how to use Audition, non of the other posts. I think a guide to Photoshop and Paintshop would be kool too, I haven't really had time to set down and mess with either or read their help file.