We have tried all of the so-called automated posting solutions and they all have their respective limitations such as daily posting volume limits, distorted images, etc. More important than that is the fact that no automated solution can keep up with the constant updates to the Craigslist ad filters. This is challenging enough when done postings are done manually. SImply ask him the following questions to vet him: o How will this software handle pre-screening ad content to remove campaign footprints? O How will this software fine tune and adjust ad content to resolve any flagging issues? O How will this software handle posting while Craigslist is actually rolling out any of their monthly updates which render ad tools less effective?
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O How will the software handle setup of central email forwarding of all leads? O How will the software determine when a campaign is being tracked by CL? Hope this helps. SImply ask him the following questions to vet him: o How will this software handle pre-screening ad content to remove campaign footprints? O How will this software fine tune and adjust ad content to resolve any flagging issues? O How will this software handle posting while Craigslist is actually rolling out any of their monthly updates which render ad tools less effective? O How will the software handle setup of central email forwarding of all leads?
O How will the software determine when a campaign is being tracked by CL? Hope this helps Hey CPP, Just wondering if the responses were valid. I'm not the most technical person so anything would help. We have tried all of the so-called automated posting solutions and they all have their respective limitations such as daily posting volume limits, distorted images, etc. More important than that is the fact that no automated solution can keep up with the constant updates to the Craigslist ad filters. This is challenging enough when done postings are done manually. SImply ask him the following questions to vet him: o How will this software handle pre-screening ad content to remove campaign footprints?
O How will this software fine tune and adjust ad content to resolve any flagging issues? O How will this software handle posting while Craigslist is actually rolling out any of their monthly updates which render ad tools less effective? O How will the software handle setup of central email forwarding of all leads? O How will the software determine when a campaign is being tracked by CL? Hope this helps Have you tested CL Blaster? I am about to buy it. Let me know.
Hey everyone! So I talked with the guy over skype again and I copy and pasted his answers to craigsposterpros questions. Lemme know what you think. Sorry they are a bit long and once again thanks for everyone's help. What do you mean by campaign footprints?
If you mean structural footprints as part of our automation system, we take steps to obfuscate things like browser fingerprinting, IPs etc. If you mean content footprint, as you know your campaign the best, it's mainly up to you to ensure that your content stays unique and to experiment with what content works for you. That said, we have built-in spinners, image editors and even custom scrapers to help you with that.
But this is not a magic pill solution, experimenting will still be involved on your end. Again, my system has automated systems set up for IPs, PVAs, and even browser finger print to create unique accounts for posting. But when it comes to flagging it really is determined by content.
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With my custom scrapers and image editors you should have it easy when it comes to creating dynamic content to get around flagging. If you're talking about the monthly sweep that CL does, then there's no way around that.
For as long as I've been doing it and with the data I've collected, I can say that the sweep wipes out accounts that have reached a certain threshhold of posts. While this may be true, these accounts can be rested and used for posting again in a month or two.
In the end it's a numbers game that proves effectiveness, my system gives you the ability to scale up quicker and more efficiently than freelancers or CLAD. We setup a centralized email inbox for you where you can monitor all the leads you receive from every account in an organized manner.
No need to log into each of the PVAs individually as it will be all there on our system. Sent on: 7:13 pm 5. Not sure what you mean by 'being tracked'. If you mean swept accounts, our system, by default, stops when an account is swept / put on hold although if you are an advanced user, you can configure this behavior to your liking.
I have used a few ad posters for Craigslist, Backpage and Facebook and they all work to a point, but the truth be told they will eventually get your ads blocked or even your account blocked or even closed, so I would stick with posting your ads manually it's best in the long run. I wish you much success! I agree, I was using an auto poster and even wrote an auto reposter myself. CL is a moving target and even though their interface is basic, it does undergo subtle changes that tend to break autoposting tools. I agree, I was using an auto poster and even wrote an auto reposter myself. CL is a moving target and even though their interface is basic, it does undergo subtle changes that tend to break autoposting tools.
People underestimate how often Craigslist releases ad filter updates. There is always a spike in flagging during those update periods. These updates also necessitate adapting your ads to tweak them to remove new trigger words, make ad format adjustments, or remove any tracked phone numbers. So, it's a challenge for automated posting tool to diagnose flagging sources and make those type of adjustments. That is the reason why we have always manually posted ads.