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Environment Variables Mainframe Express, unlike Workbench, does not rely on the use of pre-set environment variables to configure its operation. Instead you configure Mainframe Express through the Project Settings or Build Settings dialog boxes, or in some cases entries in configuration (.cfg) files. Most of the environment variables that specified locations of particular files in an application have been replaced by entries in the Workgroup View of the project view. The following table shows the most common environment variables that you might have been using when using Workbench and its add-ons to develop mainframe applications, and shows the equivalents in Mainframe Express.

In the few cases where the table says to continue using the environment variable, you need to set it before starting the IDE - for example, by starting the Mainframe Express Command Prompt and using the command line to set the environment variable and to start the IDE. Variable Description Equivalent in Mainframe Express ANI370 Tells MF/370 Assembler to create debugging information side files for use by Animator/370.

Also tells Animator/370 to run at execution of 370 module (when ON). Otherwise (OFF), non-interactive debugger is used.


Assembler To Cobol Converter

Always set to ON. Not relevant to Mainframe Express - in effect, always ON BMSMAP The location of CICS map set master file – CICS OS/2 Not relevant to Mainframe Express CICS The location of CICS option system files Not relevant to Mainframe Express CICSBMS The location of CICS Option BMS macro files Controlled by Workgroup View settings. CICSCPY The location of COBOL copyfiles for CICS Option Controlled by Workgroup View settings.