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  1. A Better Life In Home Care Blackfoot Idaho
  2. Building A Better Life In America

Live A Better Life In 30 Days Pdf Writer. If downloading the raw HTML files of a site isn’t necessary, then screen captures might do the trick. 30 Days to a Perfect Life. Revolutionary 30 Day Program to a Perfect Life. Decision from the core of your heart to live your life in a magical and. LIVE A BETTER LIFE DETAILED COMPENSATION. 30 days, you may also be eligible to receive open-line bonuses based on your monthly production. To receive an.

Author by: Rosanna Casper Language: en Publisher by: Ulysses Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 32 Total Download: 620 File Size: 53,5 Mb Description: Thirty-day challenges are the perfect way to develop new habits and get started living a better, fuller life. This book features over 60 ideas to boost creativity, achieve fitness goals, increase productivity, improve relationships and more. Change isn't always easy, but you can do it! Packed with powerful ideas for improving your life in all areas, including fitness, food, mindfulness, relationships, networking and more, this book shows how to create lasting habits by first succeeding at a 30-day challenge. Author Rosanna Casper shares dozens of practical tips, helpful resources and her own secret tricks that will keep you motivated and committed through day 30 and beyond. If you're ready to make some positive changes in your life, just pick a challenge and get started:. WALK 10,000 STEPS.


SPEND 30 MINUTES OUTDOORS. READ 20 PAGES A DAY. Author by: Israelmore Ayivor Language: en Publisher by: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 43 Total Download: 731 File Size: 41,9 Mb Description: According to Stephen Luke, 'you are the CEO of your own life. Start making executive decisions today.' Yes, you are responsible for who you become; better or worse. This 30 Days' Better-Life Online Coaching (B.L.O.C) Programme was designed to guide you systematically through a thorough investigation about yourself.

It is aimed at helping you to discover better things about yourself and direct you to improve the dreams you live in a positive way. It comes with personal experiences, motivational stories, impactful quotes, thought provoking personal development questions and top ten inexcusable questions you should find answers to. In January 2016, 'BETTER-LIFE ONLINE COACHING PROGRAMME' otherwise referred to as BLOC was facilitated by Israelmore Ayivor (Ghana) and Israel Sello Fantisi (South Africa).

Over 50 participants in this programme were from about 5 countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. The 30 days duration programme led to one-on-one coaching with interested participants and was successful. The facilitators in order to reach out to the masses that are potential participants but are not online or would love to go offline pursuing this programme have compiled the questionnaires for the online coaching into this book. '30 Days to Better Life' therefore is a practical document that would serve the same function as the online coaching programme. In order for this function to be completely achieved, it is the author's desire that readers subscribe for one-on-one personal development coaching just as it happened after the online coaching programme.

Author by: Robert Dave Johnston Language: en Publisher by: Lulu Press, Inc Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 30 Total Download: 971 File Size: 48,8 Mb Description: In this compilation, I throw in the kitchen's sink and outline most of what I've learned about fasting over the past 15 years. If you are struggling with your weight or health, fasting could be the Ace in the Hole you were looking for. If you are ill, I cannot 'guarantee' that you will be healed, although many have, and from serious, chronic illnesses. What I CAN tell you is that EVERY person that I have coached through a period of fasting has ALWAYS come away better off than they were when they began. Wouldn't you like to find a system where you could lose one-to-three pounds daily and never gain the weight back? Well, I'm here to tell you that there IS hope!

I escaped from the hellish prison of obesity and binge eating, so I know it CAN be done, and that nothing will get you there quicker than water fasting, AND the implementation of a structured eating plan. Author by: Robert Dave Johnston Language: en Publisher by: Amazing Health Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 14 Total Download: 923 File Size: 41,9 Mb Description: Juice fasting is by far one of the most powerful weight loss and healing disciplines on the face of the earth. It is common to lose from half a pound to three and even four pounds daily while juice fasting, putting at your fingertips a tool that can help you shed a lot of weight in a very short period of time. In How to Lose 30 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days With Juice Fasting, the author gives you an A to Z guide to juice fasting, including understanding the power of fruits and vegetables, a standard recipe to follow for maximum weight loss and healing, how to prepare the juice with a home juicer and/or extractor, how much to drink and how often, and 10 motivational messages that will guide you through the juice fasting process. The author will tell you what mental and physical symptoms you will likely experience from day to day, and he will present specific strategies to help you get through the tough moments. If you are brand new to juice fasting, or even if you already are experienced, this book will give you lots of practical tools, insight and motivation so that you can get the most that juice fasting has to offer.

Whether you are ready to go an entire 30 days with juice fasting or are new and prefer to start out slowly, this book gives you a friendly and straightforward guide that you can follow all the way through. This book is Volume 3 of 7 of the series 'How To Lose Weight Fast, Keep it Off & Renew The Mind, Body & Spirit Through Fasting, Smart Eating & Practical Spirituality. Author by: Nancy Gaskins Language: en Publisher by: iUniverse Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 87 Total Download: 886 File Size: 54,7 Mb Description: Imagine that you just found out that you have just one year left to live! Live Like You Are Dying provides effective suggestions in an easy-to-use, personalized thirty-day plan that will help anyone learn to live his or her life to the fullest. Motivational speaker Nancy Gaskins shares her personal experiences and insight as she provides the inspiration and tools to help you create a master plan for life management based on your desires, dreams and aspirations. It will lead you to a complete, fulfilling, well-balanced life based on your own definition of success.


Gaskins includes daily lesson plans, points to ponder, detailed worksheets, and exercises that will help teach you how to: Focus on what's most important in life Keep moving forward despite failure Write a mission statement Establish and achieve clear, concise goals Make corrective actions Ask the right questions No matter where you are in life, Live Like You Are Dying will guide you through the process of learning to live your life on purpose and become a master of your own destiny. So get ready to dream big, set goals, hope for the future, plan your work, and work your plan.

Your thirty-day transformation begins now! Bonus: Dollar-a-Day Real Estate Investment Program. Author by: Bryan Falchuk Language: en Publisher by: newbodi.es publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 22 Total Download: 840 File Size: 44,6 Mb Description: Bryan Falchuk overcame adversity, lost nearly 100 pounds, ran a marathon, dramatically changed his diet and created an approach to help others live a better life, every day. That way is Do a Day. Like so many people, Bryan has faced challenges in life, like obesity, depression, work stress, the responsibilities of parenthood, the potential of losing his wife to illness, and more. And he struggled, like anyone else. Through that struggle, Bryan learned the secret to not just overcoming any individual challenge, but creating a life of achievement, happiness and harmony.

In Do a Day, you will learn how to make each day contribute to your goals so you can live the life you want to live - a better life. Do a Day will free you of the burden and judgment of yesterday‘s choices, while relieving you of the pressure of what tomorrow may bring. By teaching you how to identify your true motivation and how to use that to focus on what you have to do today, Do a Day will help you change your life.

“ Don’t put off living to next week, next month, next year or next decade. The only time you’re ever living is now. ” — Celestine Chua Back in 2010, after coaching thousands of people, I noticed a pattern in the issues that my clients would consult on. No matter their age or background, there was always a similar set of tools I could use to help them achieve their breakthroughs. At the same time, my client waitlist kept growing even though I was working non-stop without a break. I thought about creating a universal self-help program, one where everyone could easily follow and coach themselves, but at a small fraction of the costs of hiring a life coach. My answer: Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program! Live a Better Life in 30 Days™ (30DLBL) is my program to live a better life in just 30 days.

Also known as “ personal growth on steroids,“ 30DLBL is packed with 30 high-impact tasks to be done one per day and will change your life by the end of the month! The tasks in 30DLBL are designed to trigger self-awareness, get you to take action, and to move you forward in your life journey. Some tasks are introspective tasks with high-level questions — questions we should be asking ourselves long ago but didn’t. Some tasks are action-driven, where you take certain actions to achieve a certain result. Some tasks are exercises designed to open your mind to new experiences.

Some tasks involve conscious planning to create your best life ahead. By the end of the program, you will emerge with renewed clarity, a clear plan for your goals, and even results to show for. Many users see results and experience amazing changes and realizations in just the first few days! Those who have completed this program have dubbed 30DLBL as an instant “life-changer”. Following 30DLBL’s success, some websites have tried to copy 30DLBL’s format and tasks. However, 30DLBL is the original 30-day self-help program of its kind, and I have designed it based on my decade of life coaching experience. All the tasks are timeless and can be done again and again, with new breakthroughs each time. Don’t just hear it from me though – read what past participants have to say below!.

30-Day Life Transformation Program to review, plan, take action, and elevate your life. 340-page Comprehensive Guidebook to guide you every step of the way (the book on the left). This is in PDF format. 94-page Workbook with templates to guide you through the daily tasks (the book on the right). In this printable workbook, you'll get:. Detailed templates for all the 30 days' tasks.

Reflection logs to jot down your findings and thoughts for each day. 30 Timeless Tasks you can do again and again every year, with new results each time!. Powerful system to jumpstart your life and take it to the next level!. You wish to jump start your life, or you are doing well but wish to move your life to the next level. You see the value of approaching your growth in a structured, methodological manner vs. Haphazardly working on random topics in random articles, books and videos.

You want to work on tried-and-proven concepts that have impacted people of all ages and walks of life. You understand the value of a program designed by an experienced life coach who has coached tens thousands of people. You are ready to invest the next 30 days to improve your life. Comprehensive 30DLBL Guidebook to guide you through your 30DLBL journey. You’ll get to download the PDF guidebook right after making payment. 30DLBL isn’t just about reading but doing. With your purchase, you will get a 30DLBL Workbook with worksheets and daily reflection logs to jot down your findings and reflection. A sneak peek at what you’ll find in the guidebook In the introduction, you’ll get a briefing on 30DLBL, what to expect, and tips to get the best out of your journey Workbook overview sheet to keep track of your 30DLBL tasks The life wheel brings instant awareness to how you are doing in your life now. Are you living the life you want?

You will know in 10 minutes. Activity sheets. The daily task questions will get you to reflect deeply on your life. What is your ideal life? What would you do if nothing is impossible? You will visualize your ideal life on Day 2, then break it down into yearly goals to achieve it. A vision board is a collage representing your goals and dreams.

On Day 4, you will create your very own vision board. Having your board is a very powerful reinforcer of your dreams.

What routines do you live by daily? Your task on Day 9 is to create your routine to get the best energy every day. How often do you reflect? Not just what happened a week ago, but whether you are moving along your desired life trajectory. On Day 13, you will do a life reflection. In one of the tasks, you will be talking to your future self and he/she has precious advice on your journey ahead!

On Day 15, you identify your 5 core values and assess how well you have been living true to your values What is your life purpose? Knowing your life purpose is the start of conscious living begins. On Day 16, you will uncover your life purpose. Do you have a life handbook? A life handbook is a concept I created which refers to your manual to live your best life. It should comprise your life purpose, values, life goals, action plans, and many more. In 30DLBL, you will work on creating your life handbook!

Do you know who you are the average of who you are with? This is why it’s important to have your success network. On Day 19, you will create your success network comprising the 5 best people to inspire you to greatness. This is one of the 30 timeless tasks that you’ll get in the 30DLBL program. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle. To achieve excellence, cultivate excellent habits.

On Day 23, that’s what you’ll be doing. Your comfort zone determines your future success. Stay within your comfort zone and you will never grow.

On Day 24, you will expand your comfort zone. Live a Better Life in just 30 days! “ The 30DLBL was a personal success. It helped me achieve what I set out do when I signed up. The assignments helped me review and re-address some things I haven’t thought about for a long while. 30 days of intense self-work made me look back over my 61 years and reflect upon how I’ve been doing with my mission, goals, plans, dreams, etc.

A Better Life In Home Care Blackfoot Idaho

I appreciate each of the ideas that Celes has developed into her rich ‘live a better life’ philosophy and method. I have to say that everybody is very lucky to have this condensed version of “how-to” life-information in one place! Celes is wise beyond her years. Everything she offers to us to try, do, and dream are absolutely success-oriented methods of growth and self-enhancement. Thanks Celes. – Kate Britt, Canada.


“The captain of a ship needs a good map and navigation equipment to help him reach his destination. In a similar manner, 30DLBL is a program for understanding ourselves, discovering our strengths and weaknesses, and constructing an action plan to achieve our optimum, ideal life. Since 30DLBL, I am pleased to share that I have been exercising my positive habits. The Life Handbook — BRILLIANT IDEA! My planning system was focused on projects but didn’t have all that you suggested.

The task on relationships with others was most enlightening as I learned about myself through my relationship with others. My vision board is on my computer reminding me of my ideal life. I have learnt what a wonderful person Celes is and what she has achieved with her coaching. Thank you for your time, energy and passion. 🙂 – Charles Cave, Sydney. Though you may not know it, you have made such a difference in my life.

PE has changed my life, and I have achieved so much that I have never dreamed of doing, all from doing 30DLBL and 30BBM. I got a promotion, moved to a new city, and now have a beautiful baby girl. I even made a few new friends by finding the courage to reach out to them myself, something I would never have been able to do before. Every day I can’t believe how far I have come, and it’s truly all thanks to you. So thank you, thank you, thank you! – Kimberly V, Canada. “My experience with the 30DLBL is quite incredible.

I’ve learned so much about my dreams which I’ve put on hold because I thought that responsibilities and commitments would have to take precedence. I’ve also taken fear away from my life and found courage, discovered my life purpose, and gained clarity about which direction I’m going to take. I would recommend it to anyone who’s committed to their growth and living their best life. Thank you so much, Celes, from the bottom of my heart. – Guimba, Philippines. “This experience was the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever done and its results overcame all my expectations.

I was stuck in a point of my existence where I truly needed something like this, so I’ll keep saying this for all the rest of my life: THANK YOU from all my heart, Celes, for doing this for me and for all of us!!! The 30DLBL was the biggest challenge that I’ve ever taken, I just can’t imagine right now my life without it. I’m so grateful that I had the chance and courage to do this; I’m committed to continue to work on it for all my life, no matter what. – Andreea, Romania.

“In these 30 days, my Life Wheel came out so much better than I had expected. I now score my self-image a 10 instead of a 7. This is because I deserve the maximum amount of praise and love available. Looking back at all the tasks covered in the past month, I’m amazed at how much work I have done. Celes, you have given me a set of incredibly powerful tools to use over and over again throughout my life and I am very grateful.

What I want to do now is to integrate, consolidate, and put into practice all I have learned. – Lottie, United Kingdom. “ Thank you so much Celes for this program.

Looking at my life, there are things that have moved up already. Health/Fitness: I was a 6 and now a 7/10.

I have lost more weight; I started at 195lbs and I’m now 189.2lbs. I have three pairs of shorts I can no longer wear.

Self-Image: I know what I need to do, and I will not give up. To have a photo taken was one of the tasks I picked on Day 24.

I have scheduled the appointment for a professional portrait. There is no backing out now.

I feel better about myself every day. I’m inching closer to my weight goal. I have already purged my closet of items that are too big to wear. My best friend was right. I can’t let the month just slip away. And working on 30DLBL has helped me get to the next phase in my life. – Ken K, United States.

30DLBL is a digital product. The course is administered in the form of a digital guidebook and a digital workbook that you can print. The workbook comes in an additional.DOC format if you prefer to type your answers on the computer. You will get access to an online portal where you can download the files. If you prefer, you can also read the task instructions via the portal, where the daily tasks will get unlocked every day from the date you sign up.

Some customers prefer to have a hard copy version. What some of our past customers have done is that they bring the PDF to a printer shop and create a hard copy binded version. You are welcome to do that! If you do so, please ensure that only one copy is printed for your own personal use as per our and this material is not shared or distributed with others. 30DLBL is a self-guided program to be done in your own space and time. I created this as a self-coaching starter kit so that everyone can benefit from a structured life coaching experience without the steep costs of hiring a 1-1 coach. There is no coaching support which is why the program can be priced at an affordable price.

There is no coaching support, which is why the program can be priced at such an affordable price. In comparison, my clients pay hundreds of dollars for a coaching session. If you need personalized help, simply book coaching calls via my. I have designed 30DLBL to be very easy to follow, where it’s me directly “speaking” to you through the daily tasks. Each day’s task has a designated chapter with a clear task overview plus clear step-by-step instructions.

The workbook has detailed templates to write down your answers and reflection. Simply show up, do the work, and you’ll see results! 30DLBL has been designed to be a universal, self-help program that caters for everyone from all ages, all walks of life, male or female. Having coached tens of thousands of individuals, I have designed a universal system that maps out to the different needs of people, while still deliver deep, impactful results for each person. For example, Day 13’s task is to reflect on your life to date and to identify your past successes and “failures,” because reflection helps us take stock, grow, and learn from our past, so that we can avoid any “mistakes” from the past and build on our accomplishments. Day 22’s task is to get advice from your future self, because whatever answers you’re looking for, they are in you. And this exercise will guide you to find them.

This is the same for the whole program — you will find a structured system of timeless concepts, tasks that will be crucial for your life-long growth. The program has been tested with people of all age groups, walks of life, and life stages — entrepreneurs, corporate employees, students, housewives, retirees, etc.

— with great success and results. If you have no preference and you are looking something to jump start your life, I’d recommend 30DLBL first. It is the program that started it all and the very first course I ever launched at Personal Excellence. It tackles the core foundations of living a better life, so that when you dive deep into individual areas of self-development later on, you already have a solid base to build your results. On the other hand, if you are more interested on working on your character traits, becoming a better person, and just becoming a person you love, then 30BBM is the way to go.

You can then do 30DLBL later! Whichever program you do first, it will be a transformational experience. 🙂 You can always start 30DLBL or 30BBM after finishing the other, so don’t feel that you need to deliberate 5 days just to make the decision. I rather you use this time to work on the tasks. The results will follow!

30DLBL comes with (1) a PDF guidebook, (2) a PDF workbook, and (3) the same workbook in.doc format. The.doc workbook can be opened with Microsoft Word or any standard word editor that supports.doc, after which you can edit directly inside the document. The.pdf format is provided in case users want to print out the workbook and write on paper, as.doc files can have different alignments depending on the software used. So whether you want to do the program on your PC or on paper, you get to choose. 🙂 Since each program is meant to be timeless and can be done as many times as you want, you can create a new copy of the.doc workbook and specify the date whenever you’re doing a run — such as 30DLBLWorkbookJun2017.doc if you’re doing it in June 2017, and subsequently 30DLBLWorkbookDec2017 when you do it 6 months later. This way you can look back and review your progress through the months/years.

Building A Better Life In America

30DLBL is designed to be a timeless program to be done again and again, with unique insights to be taken away each time. I recommend doing it once every 6 months to a year. While January, June, and December are great months to do the program, you can do it anytime you want. You can pick and do selected tasks for a quick boost anytime of the year in between your 30DLBL runs, after you complete the program at least once (I mention this in the introduction chapter). Again, it’s more important to actually get started rather than for that “perfect” moment to do it, because the perfect moment is really now.

When working on a new run, duplicate the workbook and specify the date you’re doing the run. For example, “30DLBLWorkbookJun2017.doc” if you’re doing it in June 2017, and subsequently “30DLBLWorkbookDec2017” when you do it 6 months later. Save them in a personal folder.

This way you can easily look back and review your progress as you embark on a new run! In 30DLBL, I share some of the very same powerful exercises and tools that I share with my clients in our 1-1 coaching sessions. The entire system is worth many hundreds of dollars, and has created massive change among past students. And I’m offering them here at only $39.95 USD. That’s only $1.33 per task, for a 30-day life coaching system that will transform your life for the better. 30DLBL is the best 30-day program I have on life transformation and it is the must-have booster to jumpstart your life and take it to the next level.

Buy now, download the program files, and start right away in the next minute!

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