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READ STORYLINE HERE TO UNDERSTAND!!!! This happens after Loki falls down bifrost but he lands in Camelot. There Arthur, Merlin and some knights see him. He's hurt and decide to bring him to camelot.

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Thor is still up in bifrost wondering about his brother's up abouts, and knowing he's upto something. He must find him. Morgana hears of Loki and decides to introduce herself (when she was good) Loki hears from the dragon that she has evil in hear heart so he decides to take advantage of it. They slowly start to connect more. Merlin and Arthur notice it and find there's something strange about him. Arthur confronts him which provokes him and encourages him to not stop. When Arthur's father dies, Uther, Loki has already some how summoned the Frostgiants to him and has already turned Morgana to her true self, they take over the kingdom and Arthur, Merlin.everyone else are prisoners.

Sep 28, 2012 READ STORYLINE HERE TO UNDERSTAND!!!! This happens after Loki falls down bifrost but he lands in Camelot. There Arthur, Merlin and some knights see him. List of Top Websites Like Realmofempires.com. Impressive Torrents Picker. 13 loki learn english video tutorial tomb. 2 in mkv ttc medial myths gpo4 mac keygen.torrent.

Thor finds him at last, and they fight, Loki falls down again leaving Morgana angry and sad. Guess what happens in the end?


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X) Okay so this idea came to me just all of a sudden and I just decided to do it. I've been doing this for a few days, so I really hope you enjoy it. Loki is my favorite villain ever and I can't wait to see Thor 2. Morgana is my favorite female villain, Kate Mcgrath is perfect when it comes to being evil haha. Comments would mean the world to me:) and it's on fanfic now - song: Awake and Alive - Skillet.