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  1. Orcad Pspice Student

Siemens.Olb Pspice Download. Tech Type AF Transistor BF420 BF420/SIE SIEMENS.OLB Infineon AF. Download Cadence. The eval student version does not.

I have no experience with orcad but i have used the libraries in the link you have given. If your schematic is fairly simple, it may be easier just building up a netlist using a text editor and using a stand alone spice simulation program such as ngspice. If this method is used all you have to do is 1) find the model that you need in the library file, copy and paste into new text file 2) change any instances of poly (from spice2) to spice3 format in your model. 3) write your netlist in this text file 4) simulate using ngspice step 2) may be necessary if trying to use libraries in orcad.

Written By Luis PSPICE is an useful simulation program and analog circuit software which can be run from home or personal computers. The acronym PSPICE stands for Personal Simulation Program with an Integrated Circuit Emphasis. The software presents a version specially developed for students, providing them with one of the most used environments for electronic circuits design and analysis. In simple words we can say that the program allows students to create their own circuits, either digital or analogical.

Pspice 9.1 student version

Orcad Pspice Student

The best of all is that once you've finished your project, it allows you to analyze the circuits in a powerful virtual laboratory and simulate the performance as well. Thanks to the advanced simulation technology, students will save time and obtain reliable designs of large sizes. To conclude we can say that PSPICE is a great program for designing, analyzing and simulating all kinds of electronic circuits.