Description Engel and Reid’s Physical Chemistry gives students a contemporary and accurate overview of physical chemistry while focusing on basic principles that unite the sub-disciplines of the field. The Third Edition continues to emphasize fundamental concepts and presents cutting-edge research developments that demonstrate the vibrancy of physical chemistry today. MasteringChemistry ® for Physical Chemistry — a comprehensive online homework and tutorial system specific to Physical Chemistry — is available for the first time with Engel and Reid to reinforce students' understanding of complex theory and to build problem-solving skills throughout the course. Modern applications are drawn from biology, environmental science, and material science to help give Physical Chemistry immediate relevance to students. An emphasis on problem solving includes:.
Buy Physical Chemistry (3rd Edition). Physical Chemistry (3rd Edition) by Thomas Engel Hardcover $221.35. Student's Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry.

Numerous Worked Examples and highlighted Key Equations throughout help students understand the math and develop their own problem-solving skills. Concept Questions, Quantitative Problems, and a unique set of problems related to the web-based simulations and animations at the end of each chapter offer students a variety of study and assessment resources. Additional math-development resources available in an Appendix provide a quick reference. Current research is featured throughout along with new developments in the field, such as gap engineering, quantum dots, quantum wells, teleportation, and scanning tunneling microscopy to reflect the vibrancy of the field today.
Phil Reid
Coverage of Computational Chemistry, including a distinct chapter written by Warren Hehre, transforms the teaching of chemical bonding and molecular structure from qualitative to quantitative. Many chapters include computational problems for which detailed instructions for the student are available in MasteringChemistry for Physical Chemistry.
Updated research applications emphasize the dynamic nature of the field, and demonstrate the relevance of basic principles. MasteringChemistry ® from Pearson has been designed and refined with a single purpose in mind: to help educators create that moment of understanding with their students. The Mastering online homework and tutoring system delivers self-paced tutorials that provide individualized coaching, focus on course objectives, and are responsive to each student’s progress. The Mastering system helps instructors maximize class time with customizable, easy-to-assign, and automatically graded assessments that motivate students to learn outside of class and arrive prepared for lecture. By complementing their teaching with our engaging technology and content, instructors can be confident their students will arrive at that moment – the moment of true understanding.
Over 460 tutorials (self-paced coaching exercises) help students develop their understanding of Quantum Chemistry and Thermodynamics. Numerous end-of-chapter questions help assess student understanding of the concepts and reinforce their problem-solving skills. The Study Area in MasteringChemistry ( features web-based problems and simulations that require students to generate graphs, answer questions, or write short essays to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Each online problem includes exercises that the student can submit to the instructor.
A molecular-level description has been added to the thermodynamics chapters, and oscillating reactions and electron transfer reactions have received greater emphasis. Updated conceptual and numerical problems have been added and revised throughout the Third Edition to increase their effectiveness and clarity. About the Author(s) Thomas Engel has taught chemistry for more than 20 years at the University of Washington, where he is currently Professor of Chemistry and Associate Chair for the Undergraduate Program.
Professor Engel received his bachelor's and master's degrees in chemistry from the Johns Hopkins University, and his Ph.D. In chemistry from the University of Chicago. He then spent 11 years as a researcher in Germany and Switzerland, in which time he received the Dr. Degree from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. In 1980, he left the IBM research laboratory in Zurich to become a faculty member at the University of Washington.
Professor Engel's research interests are in the area of surface chemistry, and he has published more than 80 articles and book chapters in this field. He has received the Surface Chemistry or Colloids Award from the American Chemical Society and a Senior Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which has allowed him to establish collaborations with researchers in Germany. He is currently working together with European manufacturers of catalytic converters to improve their performance for diesel engines.
Philip Reid has taught chemistry at the University of Washington since he joined the chemistry faculty in 1995. Professor Reid received his bachelor's degree from the University of Puget Sound in 1986, and his Ph.D. In chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 1992. He performed postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, campus before moving to Washington. Professor Reid's research interests are in the areas of atmosphere chemistry, condensed-phase reaction dynamics, and nonlinear optical materials. He has published more than 70 articles in these fields.

Professor Reid is the recipient of a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, is a Cottrell Scholar of the Research Corporation, and is a Sloan fellow.