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  1. Free Trial

Version 10.0.5: Bugs Fixes and Minor Changes. Map to reference (and possibly other operations): Fixed crash in some situations.


Free Trial

NCBI: fixed failing downloads of full sequences due to missing GI numbers. Restriction Cloning: Fixed various crashes involving circular sequences with no restriction enzymes available for digestion. Restriction Cloning: Fixed a crash when running the operation on some sequence types. File menu: change order of items in the menu to be the same as before R10 System Requirements:–.

First released in 2005, Geneious is the world’s leading bioinformatics software platform used by over 3,000 universities, institutes and companies in more than 100 countries. Geneious is used by all of the top 20 universities globally (Times Higher Education, 2016) and by 16 of the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies. Geneious has been reviewed by George Norman on 27 Jul 2017. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Geneious.